We have over 30 years experience in carrying out Highways Maintenance and Civil Engineering Schemes. We provide the following services:
- Highways Schemes (new construction and reconstruction, from emergency patching repairs to fully planed resurfacing schemes)
- Car Park Surfacing (new and reconstruction, including traditional tarmacadam surfacing, block paving and grass grid)
- Drainage Schemes (new and reconstruction)
- Groundworks (including foundations and building substructures, we are NHBC registered)
- Footpath Schemes
- Machine laying of tarmac using our own pavers
- Road planing / cold milling using our own planers
- Kerbing & Paving works
- Edge Strengthening of Highways
- Ditch Clearance
- Muck Away (we are registered waste carriers)
All schemes are carried out with site specific risk assessments and method statements
Labour & Plant Hire
- Supply of NRSWA & or NPORS certified labour
- Supply of planers, pavers and excavators including NPORS certified operatives
- Supply of small plant
We are located in Oxfordshire close to the A34 and A420 ideally placed to serve Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire and Gloucestershire.